Due to deteriorating infrastructure and overloaded pipe systems, Rivers & Associates was engaged to conduct a hydrologic and hydraulic modeling drainage study consisting of over a one-third square mile watershed within the Tar-Pamlico River Basin. The study consisted of a drainage infrastructure inventory, modeling analysis, preliminary design and cost estimates. Local residents were provided with recommendations for drainage improvements at three public informational workshops.
Drainage improvements for several priority projects were designed by Rivers and implemented by the City in separate phases. Construction of storm drainage improvements for the Dickinson Avenue / Chestnut Street / Skinner Street project phase required extensive utility relocations in order to remove and replace inadequate drainage systems. Over 1,300 LF of water main and 1,000 LF of sanitary sewer main were replaced as a result of roadway drainage re-construction and outfall channel stabilization. Oversized catch basins, junction boxes, and interference manholes were a necessary part of the design to accommodate storm drainage capacity with limited grade available for utility separation. During construction, Rivers staff worked with the City Public Works Department to hold public meetings concerning street closures and access to private properties and businesses within the project area.
Website by MORAD Creative Agency
Copyright 2021